I diagnose and treat a broad range of physical conditions in patients with muscular, nervous, and skeletal problems, utilizing specific procedures that involve manipulation by hand of various malfunctioning parts of the body called subluxations. Subluxation (joint malfunction) causes muscles to tighten and painful knots called trigger points to form. Utilizing ischemic compression, a form of deep therapeutic massage, which is pain free, gentle, and a non-invasive way to turn off active trigger points, relief is quickly obtained. Using the principles of ischemic compression I ‘reset’ the message that is keeping your muscle in spasm.
Manipulation of the articulations of the body to correct subluxation is what chiropractors do as part of an overall plan to manage and relieve pain and many kinds of ailments. Spinal manipulation is only a small part of what chiropractors do as part of an overall plan to manage and relieve pain and many kinds of ailments.
Neck and Back Pain
Pain in your neck or back is an indicator of a much more serious problem of your spine not functioning normally (commonly referred to as subluxation). Your amazing body will adapt and heal with these subluxations if not corrected by a chiropractor. When your body heals with these subluxation it heals with arthritis. To avoid early onset arthritis your spine must function normal so it can heal normal without arthritis and without relapses. Arthritis Arthritis affects everyone in different ways and at different ages. In some, joints in the spine, others in the fingers, wrists, shoulders, knees -- even toes -- lose their normal shape and large amounts of fluid and debris fill the joint space. The normal process of degeneration in the spine usually occurs in a slow organized manner allowing ligaments that support the joint to tighten keeping the joint intact. When joints stop moving or move incorrectly as in the case of subluxation the joint degenerates rapidly causing instability. The body responds to this by accelerating the degenerative process and causing early onset arthritis. Sports Injuries Though there is no such thing as a "safe" sport, highly competitive sports, such as football, weightlifting, gymnastics, and wrestling, pose particularly higher risks of injuries, especially among children. When the body is functioning normally their is less chance of injury. |
Extremity (shoulder/arm and hip/leg) Pain
Pain in to your arms (cervical radiculitis) or legs (lumbar radiculitis or sciatica) is caused by irritation of the nerves that exit the spine and innervates (supplies) your arms and legs. The irritation can cause symptoms ranging from heaviness/weakness to pain or numbness and tingling. Using specific adjustments Dr. Novak removes the irritation to these nerves providing relief of your symptoms. Headaches/Migraines Chronic headaches and migraines afflict many Americans. The severity of pain can go from mild and intermittent to episodes of debilitating throbbing, unrelenting agony, as well as nausea. Whiplash Whiplash is an injury to the cervical spine, or neck, and occurs when the muscles and other soft tissues are hyperextended or hyperflexed. Auto Accidents I treat automobile accidents. Injuries sustained in automobile accidents often do not show up immediately following the accident. Symptoms can take months or years to show up. It is important to have your neck, back, and supporting structures checked out by a Doctor of Chiropractic, such as Dr. Novak, who is experienced in the detection and treatment of such problems as soon as possible. |
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